
2016 Looking Forward


On leaving 2015 I have mixed feelings as it was a year of many transitions for our firm and the industries in which we work and continue to inspire.  The continued growth within the Cruise Industry has continued to evolve and now includes new cruise brands and a demand for many new exciting destinations.  We have seen a new need for expanding what are traditional ports of call to include new home ports in the mainland us and new private destinations that can accommodate the much larger cruise vessels.

Our 2015 also include new directions for our creative input which included some port cities like Mobile Alabama, Tampa Florida and Savannah Georgia; which all show big potential for near term cruise development.  Projects also expanded to include destination design and development concepts for the USS Alabama and Cocoa Beach Pier where guest just demand more guest delivery.  It is interesting to see how established destination attractions can grow their base with aspects developed through the Cruise Excursion business model.  Even our work this year with a new branded Hard Rock Beach Club demonstrates a need for traditional business models to look for new revenue streams and for redefining their own categories.  As a Brand Consultant it is important to make sure Clients understand the need to look outside their comfort zone and traditional business models and expand their own expectations.  Many attractions and destinations are mature models which quickly start to lose their market to newer more dynamic versions of the digital age market.  If you are in a business today that has not expanded into new digital revenue outlets in the last 2-3 years you may find your self in the declining marketplace even if you are now a market leader.  The advent of new technologies and use of new distribution in marketing messaging has changed the rules forever in tour and travel.  You must be relevant today!  Our Client profile is expanding and our current markets are changing to include a much more dynamic approach  to guest experience design using media and new technology.  “Our approach is based on making sure your message is relevant to the market today” not to client preconcieved notions of what they think the public is looking for.   Many of our successful clients are still living in the pre digital world mindset and value their opinions of the past success as valid for today and for the near term future.  Most of these preconceived notions are from a world that no longer exists.  If you were born in the 50’s or 60’s you are most likely seeing the world through an old pair of glasses, you need to get your eyes checked by a 16 yr old and if you can get their attention for more than 5 mins you have just started the journey to a whole new world.  You had better have a active social media footprint and understand your world is now vintage and if not updated in an instant message is just old news.

Inspired for 2016!


